Folha de S. Paulo

Jornais optam por medir com voto antecipado

"Wall Street Journal" e "Financial Times" desistiram das projeções e destacam o voto antecipado.

"No Arizona, a porção hispânica [pró-Hillary] aumento em relação a 2012; em Ohio, muitos distritos republicanos estão com desempenho maior", diz o primeiro. "Votação antecipada deixa corrida no fio da navalha", resume o segundo.

Jewel Samad e Jeff Kowalsky - 3.nov.16/AFP Photo
(COMBO) This combination of pictures created on November 03, 2016 shows US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in Tempe, Arizona, on November 2, 2016 and US Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump in Warren, Michigan on October 31, 2016. Just five days before the bitter presidential campaign comes to a head a new poll on November 3, 2016 showed a tightening race, with Hillary Clinton's edge over Donald Trump shrinking and few voters saying they remain undecided. The New York Times/CBS News poll showed the Democratic White House hopeful with 45 percent to her Republican rival's 42, a three-point lead that had diminished from the more comfortable nine-point margin she had weeks earlier. / AFP PHOTO / JEWEL SAMAD AND JEFF KOWALSKY
A democrata Hillary Clinton e o republicano Donald Trump, que disputam a eleição presidencial nos EUA

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